Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Exploring new areas and encountering a few Sambar along the way.

Onca again I was up before dawn and after a cup of coffee and some breakfast I was out of the house in the dark. After a short drive I found myself walking into a new area in the dark, once I was where I wanted to be I  sat and waited for dawn to break so I could see well enough to hunt. A short time later with some light to work with I checked the wind and once happy the thermals were still dropping I made my way up the catchment , glassing every 30 or so meters. I hadn't gone far when I was honked and heard a deer walk off, so I stopped and waited for 10 minutes for things to settle down before continuing on my way.
About 300 meters further up the catchment I spotted a lone Sambar Hind and decided to take some video. I ended up sneaking to within about 30 meters of what turned out to be two hinds before a second pair of Hinds scented me and trotted off taking the two I was videoing with them. I sat down and waited for 10 minutes then continued on. I crossed a couple of small watercourses and as I crested a small rise I spotted two Sambar hinds feeding. I had a good look withthe binoculars and discovered another two hinds and a Velvet Spiker so I got the video out again.

As I was trying to get a better angle a previously unseen deer Honked at me, the Spiker was instantly on to me and started stomping. I managed to get a bit of footage of them all and the honking continued intermittently for about 20 minutes, after which the had enough and trotted away up the hill. I sat down on a log and had a hot tea and a bite to eat before continuing on my way and exploring the rest of the catchment, No other deer were encountered for the day.

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