Tuesday, 25 June 2019

My thoughts on the ADA stance on Game Licence Accreditation.

So today the ADA made public their position on Game licencing, as a member I am not sure how I feel about this. Whilst I agree that it would be prudent to ensure all game licence holders are fully aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities, I wonder what effect this will have on current license holders. Will there be an exemption from the accreditation for existing Game Licence holders? Will all existing Game Licence holders be required to be accredited prior to renewing their licences? Who will administer the accreditation process and who will profit from it.

It would be nice if as they state it is made available to complete online, and I hope this is the case. out of interest take a look at the US State of Montana's online Hunter Ed course for a very good example of an online course.

I recently completed this course as a prerequisite for an upcoming Elk hunt and found it quite well put together and educational. I personally would not object to a similar model being introduced, but any revenue raised MUST benefit the law abiding recreational hunter. Revenue raised by any accreditation process must be used to protect what we the law abiding recreational hunting public have paid for.

I for one would like to see a more proactive approach from the GMA with regards to the enforcement of the current Game laws. Will the extra revenue raised from the accreditation process be directed back into the GMA for this purpose? I think it prudent that if the ADA is going to take this supportive approach to an accreditation process then they should also push the Government to provide more funds to the GMA and provide better enforcement of the current game laws, along with harsher penalties for those that choose to break them.
Just my thoughts

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